Please, Divorce Yourself
Feb 14, 2024
Divorce, in most cases, is an ugly, messy, complicated, bitch of a thing... and that's exactly what I want for you. We work with people to help them achieve a dream outcome, an ideal situation, a better life.
And, sure enough, we do exactly that for the client. However, we have to do our best interpretation of the Phoenix. Bringing forth all of the bullshit we're holding onto, separating from everything we don't want for our future, and using all of it as fuel to the fire that will birth the "new us"
On the surface, the Phoenix is just a red-feathered bird, slightly larger than usual, but ultimately, not impressive.
Not until it bursts into flames and is reborn does it become 100x more awesome.
I think you can understand where I'm going with this.
I always used to think everything about me was terrible. That there was no point in even trying for a better tomorrow because of the overwhelming information I had for "Why I'll never be happy"
Until one day, unbeknownst to me at the time, I started separating from my issues. Turning them into a separate entity that I could look at without it being an identifying marker of me.
I wasn't depressed, I had depression.
I wasn't chronically anxious, I had anxiety.
I wasn't fat, I had fat.
All of these weren't "things" anymore, I had repeating these sayings to myself so many times that I started believing they must be who I am as a person. They became my identity.
I divorced my depression.
I divorced my anxiety.
I divorced my reasons for why I couldn't.
I told them they could keep all their shit and I'll do sign and do whatever, but I just needed them to move out.
I started slowly and meticulously building a pyre. The first layer of it was going to the gym in any fashion. The second layer was eating breakfast. The third was eating more protein. The main mast was my perfectly curated reverberation comfort zone chamber.
When the stage was set, I lit that fucker up so bright that the devil himself would have been proud.
I burnt everything. All the issues in my past, all the reasons why I couldn't, everything holding me back, I let go of it all and I threw it on the pyre to slowly burn away.
When everything was all said and done; habits established, fat lost, depression managed, Travis 'The Fitness Genie' Murrells rose from the ashes.
You don't have to completely burn yourself in the process of trying to better yourself, you can use all of the negatives that you have been holding onto all this time as the fuel.
Whatever remains will scare the shit out of you.
But it's got to be better than staying where you are, right?